A unique approach

Open up and learn about your property…and yourself


Individualised Charts

Your individualised Feng Shui chart is our key tool as we navigate optimising energy and harmony in your space



A Feng Shui consultation is not only an exploration of the psychology of space but also a better understanding of you, your history, needs, goals, struggles and more. Get ready to learn a lot about yourself too!


Follow up

Our recommendations are valuable, but it’s when you put it into action that the changes really happen. How is the implementation going? We make sure to follow up with clients and to provide support later on when needed. We can also help you, when you are selecting necessary items for your premises.


Psychological Analysis of Interiors

1. Analysis of Needs

We begin with learning about the customer’s real needs. To perform an analysis, we also need to collect relevant data such as the building’s floor plan or the year of its construction.

2. Psychological Analysis of Interiors

Each home is one of a kind and stands out with its energy. At this stage, a psychological analysis of interiors is performed, and as a result a chart is made presenting the building’s potential and possibilities.

3. Recommendations for improvements in the studied interiors

In this stage propositions are put forward for changes in the examined rooms, e.g. in terms of furniture, colour schemes and their arrangement. With interior design based on Feng Shui and interior psychology, your place will regain its balance and harmony.

4. Discussing the report

The report is made with a particular building in mind. It includes the building’s floor plan, description of the surroundings, and other important details. Energy prevailing in each section of the premises is analysed to offer adequate recommendations that enable the architect to design your harmonious interior.

5. Examples of recommendations

Following the principles of Feng Shui and interior design, we will show you exactly what a given room in your workplace, house, or hotel should look like: from furniture arrangements, which has tremendous influence over energy flows, to changes in the colour scheme, which affects human bodies, and to selection of appropriate accessories.

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